Instructor Led Training
Need a user manual for a new product?
Need training material to train your clients, staff and business partners?
Need to define standard operating procedures?
Need to document the design of your product?
Need repair guides to meet the rights to repair legislation?
Need product documents for certification?
We can help! Contact us now for a no obligation consultation on 020 8227 1161 or
The i-Team® can develop classroom based training courses and supporting material for instructor led training. Our experience ranges from developing simple training guides to complete training curriculums for global organisations, consisting of training manuals, eLearning courses, videos and much more.
We can develop
- Instructor guides
- Learner guides
- PowerPoint decks
- Practical activities
- Quiz and tests
- Training videos
- eLearning modules
- Evaluation sheets
- Training videos
We use industry recognised models to develop training courses and material that is relevant and engaging for every learner. We will define the course objectives and then write the content to meet each objective.
Our classroom based training material can be further supported with a series of eLearning modules if required, including the development of interactive tests that can be uploaded to your learning management systems. See our eLearning page for more details.
If you do not have a learning management system in place, we can develop one for you and configure it to allow you to rack and monitor the progress of the learners.
Examples of training courses and associated material we have developed are:
- Training guides for military equipment (7 modules – online and classroom based)
- Training manual for a Level 2 fitness – train the trainers (6 units)
- Training manual for a Level 3 fitness – train the trainers (11 units)
- Training material for a courses for a channel banking platform (50 modules – online and classroom based)
- Training material for Skype for Business
- Training manuals and online training for Microsoft SharePoint
Samples of Our Work
Relevant Case Studies
Links to some of our case studies are provided below.